Scheduled Member Adventures
the 7th continent - Once in a lifetime adventure
2026 | January 13 - 26 | From $9,000 and up
One Space Remaining
Journeying to the 7th continent at the bottom of the earth is no small adventure!
Become immersed in one of the most remote regions of the world. As your Captains expertly navigate amid the icebergs, glaciers and ice floes, they bring you up close and personal to incredible wildlife and otherworldly landscapes. Conquer the Drake Passage and find a moment of reverence in the pristine environment of Antarctica. Go where few have gone on an expedition to Antarctica. Experience deeper connections with fellow explorers and the environment in this remarkable destination.​​

suite | Intrust bank arena
2025 | Dates tba | pricing varies by event
Private suite with catering

California | Napa Winery tours
2026 | Dates TBD | ~$3,000 + Flights
napa valley wine and fooD tour


Future Experiences list
Turkey - Ibex
Argentina - Dove
Zimbabwe - Mixed
South Africa - Mixed
Tajikistan - Ibex, Urial
North America - Mixed
Australia - Water Buffalo
Mozambique - Cape Buffalo
Greenland - Muskox, Caribou
Russia - Brown Bear, Moose
Australia - Water Buffalo
Kyrgistan - Ibex, Sheep
Mongolia - Altai Wapiti
Macedonai Wolf Hunt
Louisiana - Aligator
Father/Child Trips
Alberta Wolf
Canada - Muskie, Pike
Alaska - Kenai River, Salt
Costa Rica - Black Marlin
Manitoba Trophy Utik Pike
Montana - Clark Fork River,
Blackfoot River, Missouri River
Golioth TIger Fish - Congo River
Brittish Columbia - Fly Fishing
Brazil - Amazon Peacock Bass
Minnesota - Ice Fishing
Zambia - Lake Malawi
Father/Child Trips
Costa Rica
Adventure Travel
Australia - Dive
Mount Kilimanjaro
Little Cayman - Dive
Mt. Everest Base Camp
South Africa - Great White Dive
Napa Valley Wine Tasting
Long Range School
Grand Prix Monaco
Galapagos - Dive
Oriental Express
FIFA World Cup
Tour De France
Couples Trips
Offroad Baja
Indi 500
Mt. Fuji